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East Rockingham ARES - Upcoming ICS 300 training

This is not advertised on NH State website because it is a closed class.

Online registration will open up on January 5th

Originally we asked for this class for Amateur Radio Emergency System (ARES) operators

It is available to others and in fact you get more out of it when there is a diverse group.

Section/State ARES

Medical Reserve Corps (MRC)

Citizen Corps


NH Department of Environmental Services

State workers

Civil Air Patrol (CAP)

Basically any group involved in Emergency Operations who would like to see the Big Picture.


Captain Pragoff wants me to ensure the following prior to people signing up for this course:


  1. All applicants have completed ICS 100, ICS 200 & IS 700.
  2. All applicants have obtained a FEMA Student ID (SID) number.


Captain Pragoff says this is absolutely required prior to applying.


The FEMA SID can be obtained from the website below:







ICS-100 (3 hour course)

download materials if desired

Take the course

Take the test



Link to take course




ICS-200 (3 hour course)

download materials if desired

Take the course

Take the test


Link to take course



ICS-700 (3 hour course)

download materials if desired

Take the course

Take the test


Link to take course




Once you complete training you take the test

Once test is complete, fill in personal info, SSN, email etc and it says results will be emailed to you.

When you get email that says you passed download PDF of your certificate for future reference.


One Down side -

If you close the course before taking the test you have to start at the beginning of the course again


There is also info on how to use another number other than your SSN



I took these courses several years back and decided to go through them again as a refresher.  I don't know if they made the courses better or I got more out of them because I am more familiar with the Incident Command System now.  In any case I am glad I went through them again.  There is time between now and January 5.  I would recommend you go through them if it has been awhile.





East Rock ARES

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